Blog - BetterSaver
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The BetterSaver blog

Why you should get financial advice - it’s not what you think

30 May 2022

Obviously, getting financial advice can help you manage your money. But there’s more to it than the financial upside. Studies conducted in New Zealand and Australia have uncovered a surprising benefit of seeking financial advice.

Why is everything so expensive right now?

23 May 2022

What is inflation? Why is it making everything expensive? And how can you deal with it? Welcome to “Inflation 101”.

BetterSaver in the news: Back to work at 68?

16 May 2022
Joe Taylor
Joe Taylor

Last week, I chatted to Newstalk ZB and NewsHub about a scary reality: Kiwis in their 30s could run out of their KiwiSaver cash less than four years after retiring.

Starting a family? How to future-proof your finances

9 May 2022

If you’re like most parents, you probably spend a significant amount of time thinking about how to provide for your growing family. It’s tough not to when, every time you turn around, there seems to be another expense. So take a deep breath - and then take action.

7 easy ways to start sorting your finances

2 May 2022

You know it’s important to sort your finances, but it’s the last thing you want to do with your free time. Where do you even start?

Are you struggling to be real about money?

26 Apr 2022

Have you ever stared at a friend's Instagram page in disbelief wondering how they can afford it all? Their life seems full of holidays, amazing food, and the latest fashion. How do they have it together when you struggle to make rent every week?

Is your KiwiSaver fund investing in the planet?

19 Apr 2022

This Friday is Earth Day. Every April 22nd since 1970, people around the world celebrate our planet and take action to protect it. This year’s Earth Day theme is “Invest in our Planet.” It’s a reasonable time to ask the question - is your KiwiSaver fund investing in the planet? Unfortunately, the answer is not as clear-cut as you might think.

5 reasons women have less in their KiwiSaver (and what we can do to combat it)

12 Apr 2022

Exploring the reasons Kiwi women are retiring with less than men and what we can do about it.

What are some different types of investments?

4 Apr 2022

Investing can seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Investing is simply putting your money into things that you expect to grow in value and generate income over time. Here's a breakdown of some of the most popular types of investments,