Blog - BetterSaver
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The BetterSaver blog

Women reveal what they wish they knew about money

13 Sep 2021

It’s a fact: women in NZ are less financially well off in retirement than men. Have a read of this week's blog to find out more as to why.

Improving the financial outlook for today’s generation

6 Sep 2021

Here in NZ, we are notoriously bad at saving. We rank among the world’s worst at #26 out of 29 OECD countries in a 2019 report.

4 ways you are missing out by not sorting out your KiwiSaver fund today

30 Aug 2021

We know, sorting your KiwiSaver fund is one of those things you’ll ‘get around to’ - but, really, the longer you wait the more you lose.

5 ways to stay sane during lockdown

22 Aug 2021

We’ve done lockdown before, and we know we all need to take extra care of ourselves and our bubbles during this time of upheaval. So, we gathered our top five tips for staying sane during lockdown.

How much money do you need to start investing?

16 Aug 2021

It is easier than ever to start investing. Online platforms give access to pretty much anyone with a bank account. But how much money do you need to get started?

Money week: The ultimate finance guide

8 Aug 2021

We cover off five major money themes to help you get your finances in order faster than Lisa Carrington paddles (ok maybe not that fast - she’s pretty impressive!) or at least remove any obstacles you have to getting started.

Investing: Do you know where your money goes?

2 Aug 2021

Recent research shows that 1.5 million New Zealanders currently invest or plan to invest online. If this is you and you’re not sure where to start, or feel like you don’t know what you’re doing, relax. We’re here to make it simple.

Avoid these 6 debt traps

26 Jul 2021

Debt is a major source of stress. It’s linked to mental and physical health issues and is a source of relationship conflicts for 1 in 5 New Zealanders.

5 tips to financially prepare for a baby

19 Jul 2021

It’s estimated that the cost of raising a child from birth to age 18 will cost you about $285,000 - that’s about $16,000 a year, or $304 per week. That might be intimidating but a little research and financial planning can make it a lot easier to manage.