Joe Taylor - Blog - BetterSaver
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Joe Taylor

on the BetterSaver blog

What does the OCR increase mean for you?

22 Aug 2022
Joe Taylor
Joe Taylor

The Reserve Bank recently announced an increase in the official cash rate (OCR) to a seven-year high of 3%. Sound like financial mumbo jumbo? I'll break it down in this week's blog.

How to make your KiwiSaver inflation-proof

8 Aug 2022
Joe Taylor
Joe Taylor

To celebrate Sorted Money Week we decided to tackle the topic of inflation, so if you’re wondering how it works, read on.

Ethical KiwiSaver funds: just the facts, hold the facade

1 Aug 2022
Joe Taylor
Joe Taylor

Once again, ethical KiwiSaver funds are a hot topic. Last week, a Newsroom article called out the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) for failing to define ethical standards for KiwiSaver funds.

Financial jargon 101

11 Jul 2022
Joe Taylor
Joe Taylor

Here is my handy go-to guide to clarify some of the terms we find people are commonly confused by.

BetterSaver in the news: Back to work at 68?

16 May 2022
Joe Taylor
Joe Taylor

Last week, I chatted to Newstalk ZB and NewsHub about a scary reality: Kiwis in their 30s could run out of their KiwiSaver cash less than four years after retiring.

Market dips: Don’t panic but do get financial advice

1 Feb 2022
Joe Taylor
Joe Taylor

When it comes to money, no one wants to see their investment take a dip. It’s hard not to buy into the mass hysteria.

Sort your KiwiSaver and help a Kiwi in need

13 Dec 2021
Joe Taylor
Joe Taylor

As we approach the end of the year and reflect on what life looks like for us now, I see a lot of Kiwis just surviving day-to-day. So as we head into the holiday season, the team and I want to do our little bit to help.

Default funds: How much money have you been missing out on?

21 Nov 2021
Joe Taylor
Joe Taylor

A 45-year-old that has been earning the average wage over the last 10 years could have left up to $26,000 on the table by not being in the right KiwiSaver Fund.*

Is your KiwiSaver provider catfishing you?

18 Oct 2021
Joe Taylor
Joe Taylor

How can you be certain that your KiwiSaver provider is being truthful about where they invest your money?