Blog - BetterSaver
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The BetterSaver blog

Here's how much you should be saving each paycheck- and what will happen if you don't.

24 Jan 2021

When it comes to saving money, New Zealand ranks in the bottom four OECD countries. Typically, we spend more than we have.

How to save for your first home: the 4 step guide

12 Jan 2021

If owning your own home seems like a far-off fantasy, don’t despair just yet. With a solid plan, a few tips up your sleeve, and some serious discipline, the journey to homeownership can become more realistic.

How to crush your savings goals in 2021

22 Dec 2020

This is not another article about New Year’s resolutions. Despite our good intentions, we all know resolutions don’t really stick.

KiwiSaver 101: What you need to know

18 Dec 2020

Confused as to where to begin with researching a KiwiSaver fund? We've done all the hard work for you.

Why you need to choose the right KiwiSaver fund for you

10 Dec 2020

Let’s get right to the point: ignoring what your KiwiSaver fund is doing can mean you miss out on hundreds of thousands of dollars!

My KiwiSaver balance is dropping - what do I do?

3 Dec 2020

If you see your KiwiSaver balance fluctuating, don't panic. Read our blog on the steps you should take, and then talk to the experts.

KiwiSaver and market volatility: what you need to know

30 Nov 2020

What does market volatility even mean? We dive into what this means when you see your KiwiSaver balance fluctuating.

Is your KiwiSaver fund killing bunnies?

23 Nov 2020

How can you be sure your KiwiSaver fund isn't invested in things that you don't support?

Using KiwiSaver for your first home

10 Nov 2020

You may have heard that you can use your KiwiSaver to help buy your first home. But do you know how it works? Do you qualify? How much money can you get?