KiwiSaver 101: What you need to know - Blog - BetterSaver
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KiwiSaver 101: What you need to know

December 18, 2020

Has KiwiSaver got your head spinning?

When KiwiSaver comes up in conversation, do you suddenly become preoccupied with something else? Does your brain shut off because it sounds like a whole new language that you never learned?

Do you feel like everyone else gets it but you?

If so, you’re in the right place.

We believe KiwiSaver should be equal access for everyone, regardless of whether you’re clued in or away with the fairies when it comes to your finances.

We’ve done all the research, put in the late nights and learned KiwiSaver inside out - so you don’t have to. Why? We want to empower you to make the best decisions by making KiwiSaver easy.

Five Perks to Understanding KiwiSaver

Here’s what’s in it for you - five advantages you’ll reap by getting on board with us and getting savvy to KiwiSaver.

  1. Impress your friends.

Next time you catch up with friends, instead of updating them on the latest adventures of your cat or that great meal you had, you’ll be able to say “What have I been up to? Oh just getting my KiwiSaver sorted so I can buy a house before I’m 35.” Seriously impressive. When everyone wants to know how you did it, you can say you consulted the experts at BetterSaver and got personalised expert advice to get you in the best fund and on track.

2. Sound like a pro.

Growth fund. Investment planning. Schemes. Those words that currently make your eyes glaze over? We explain it all in plain language so it’s easy to understand. You’ll be so relieved to finally ‘get KiwiSaver’ you might want to tell everyone from your best friend to your favourite barista - and you can do it with confidence.

3. Maximize your savings.

Kind of the whole point really. We pave the way to getting the most out of your KiwiSaver, whatever your circumstance is. Want to buy a house? Set up a worry-free retirement? We’ll make sure you get in the right fund to match your goals so you can sit back and watch it grow. It really is that easy.

4. Get personal attention.

We want to know all about you. What’s important to you? Do you like taking risks? Take the reins or go with the flow? Are you concerned about climate change? Prefer tofu over bacon? Do you want to buy a house, travel, work from home, or retire in style? Whatever your answers, we align your goals, values and lifestyle with our rating system to get you in the best KiwiSaver fund for you.

5. Call out unethical behaviour like the warrior you are.

Many providers haven’t been exactly forthcoming with where they’re investing your money and our ethical analysis of KiwiSaver providers caused a bit of a disruption. As of August 2020, $6.4 billion of KiwiSaver funds are invested in areas called ‘issues of concern’ - like fossil fuels, human rights violations, animal welfare, weapons and GMO’s. Concern is an understatement - more like outrage. We believe in total transparency and call it as we see it. This means you can choose to invest your money in ethical causes and spread the word about the less than ideal funds.

Start Small and Save Better

Sometimes it’s hard to plan for the future. You might be in a place where thinking beyond next week seems impossible. But by starting small and contributing regularly to your KiwiSaver, you’re setting your future self up to be in a better position.

KiwiSaver is an investment. The money you contribute gets invested for you so it grows over time. We’ll make sure your money gets invested in the type of fund that suits your lifestyle, your values, and your goals. Once you’re set up, there’s nothing to worry about - automatic contributions will steadily go into your fund at a rate you choose.

Just check in and let us know if anything in your life changes like you get a new higher-paying job, become a freelancer, or decide you want to look into buying a home. We’ll make sure you’re staying on track with your goals, no matter your situation.

We give personal attention to empowering Kiwis to be smart with their money and save better for a bright future. Starting small now, when you’ve got years to contribute, can make a huge difference to how much you end up with later.

What are you waiting for? We’re launching very soon so get on the waitlist now to see how we make KiwiSaver easy for you - and start reaping the rewards. (If you wait too long you’ll miss out on your chance to win part of $50,000 for your KiwiSaver.)

Do it now. You’ll thank us later.